by Brendon Burchard
"It is only in active self-expression and pursuit of our own aims that we can become free.
Thinking, feeling, speaking, and behaving in ways that are truly our own brings integrity and shapes the foundation for our happiness. How could we ever lose sight of this?
Seeking Personal Freedom begins when we are young and starting to form our own beliefs and directing our behaviors independent from the command of our caregivers. It is the child who takes her first steps away from her mother, who crosses the street safely by herself, who chooses with zeal what she wants to eat, wear, draw, or dress like. Hers is the story of our natural inclination to be independent, a desire to become our own persons. As we age, the impulse becomes more distinct, powerful, and intellectual -- we consciously decide that we want to stand on our own, find our own way, chase our own dreams, break down our own boundaries, love without permission and contribute without restriction. We decide to go away to school, break off an affair, take a risk, start a new career or business, join a movement, see the world. We start asserting our ideas because we want to make our own mark. This natural impulse never goes away.
The issue is that our seeking is tragically interrupted in our lives again and again, stolen away by those around us or our own fearful thinking.
And that is the reality that we now face.
We must overcome social, and self-oppression if we are ever to join the ranks of the free souls who love their lives and lead their people."
We offer everyone the opportunity to achieve Personal & Economic Freedom. It's there for you. Claim it for yourself right now!