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Robert Payne - Owner and Creator of TryItB4UBuyIt

My name is Rob Payne, and I will be your server tonight!

I would love to introduce you and your family to our fantastic line of consumable goods, products, and brands that I have personally tried and enjoyed. I am delighted that I'm finally able to share to you my passion through this website. However, this wouldn’t be possible without a team of dedicated people, whose input and creativity have been enormous.

TryItB4UBuyIt was created with only one thing in mind:

You, the consumer!

And my goal is to offer everyone the opportunity to try an exclusive, high-quality, competitively-priced item(s) that have been manufactured to the highest of standard. They are items you wouldn’t ordinarily have a chance to try. But now you can, in the comfort of your own home.

LOC, Artistry, Nutrilite, XS, eSpring, iCook, and Atmosphere are brands you can depend upon to provide you and your family with some of the world’s best products in their category. They are products you can trust to do the job they were intended to do. They’re products you use every day, so why not use the best!

My hope for you is to take advantage of this service. Request some samples, test-drive them so to speak, and if you like them, I would love to have you join my TryItB4UBuyIt family.

The advantages are many.

Superior customer service, home delivery, superior quality, Perks & Rewards, 100% money-back Satisfaction guarantee are but a few advantages for you being a valued customer. I look forward to seeing you, or, at the very least, speaking with you.

Take care and have a wonderful day!

Robert Payne

Owner and Creator of TryItB4UBuyIt

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